Meet Our Skilled Healers:
Dedicated Therapists at Bodhi Bodyworks



About Kai Eckley - Owner of Bodhi Bodyworks
MA# 94954

Her mission is to facilitate a safe and healing environment,
leveraging Massage Therapy and Yoga
for everybody and EVERY BODY!


Welcome to the realm of holistic well-being! Meet Kai, a Florida native passionately advocating for oceanic serenity, sun-kissed vibes, and earthly harmony. As a Licensed Massage Therapist in Florida with over a decade of experience, Kai specializes in rejuvenating Yoga & massage services.

Kai's journey into yoga and meditation began nearly two decades ago, offering transformative solace from trauma, depression, and anxiety. Drawing from her profound personal experiences, she champions the powerful synergy of consistent massage treatments combined with yoga and meditation, fostering equilibrium across physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual realms, ultimately enhancing overall well-being.

Recognizing the intricate connection between emotional pain and physical manifestations, Kai has dedicated the last decade to health and wellness. Specializing in rehabilitative work, she compassionately assists diverse clients, including cancer survivors, those recovering from injuries, and the elderly.

Kai holds an impressive array of licenses and certifications, including Personal Training, Yoga, Nutrition, Energy Work, and Massage. Currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, she is committed to advancing her expertise. Tailoring each session with an intuitive touch and compassionate care, Kai specializes in Cupping, Esalen Massage, Thai on the Table, Relaxation Massage with Headache Treatment, Energy Balancing, and Hot Stone Massage.

Her mission is to create a safe and healing environment, firmly believing that Massage Therapy & Yoga are accessible and beneficial for every body. Experience Kai's holistic approach, where the embrace of the ocean, the warmth of the sun, and the grounding of the earth converge in a personalized experience just for you!


About Andi Dash - Licensed Massage Therapist at Bodhi
MA #101797

Originally from Minnesota, Andi brings a wealth of experience and a passion for health and wellness to our studio.

Graduating from Healing Spirits in Boulder, Colorado, in 2019, Andi has specialized in massage therapy ever since. She has practiced in Colorado, Nevada, and now Florida since 2022, bringing a diverse range of skills and techniques to our studio.

Andi’s massage technique is truly unique, blending myofascial techniques, deep relaxation, Swedish, deep tissue, cupping therapy, and hot stones. But that’s not all! She also offers Ashiatsu massage, providing comfortable deep tissue work with broad pressure, ensuring a deeply relaxing experience for our clients.

Renowned for her rejuvenating head and scalp massages, Andi creates a nurturing environment for our clients on their wellness journeys. Each session with her leaves clients feeling refreshed, with their nervous systems reset and ready to take on the world.

Her availability is 1-7 on Sundays! Book your session with Andi today and experience the magic of her healing touch.